The new CBS show “Jericho” had stong ratings in its series premiere in Australia. The show was...
The season premiere Thursday night of CSI on CBS was beaten in the ratings by the season...
ABC has relaunched its popular full episode player with shows including Grey’s Anatomy, LOST, Desperate Housewives, Ugly...
That threshold was crossed within the past two years, according to Nielsen Media Research. There are 2.73...
Seth Meyers gets the plum job of “Weekend Update” anchor next to Amy Poehler in a newly...
The new CW Network had good ratings on its openning night with the two hour season premiere...
The cast for the upcoming season will be made up of Fred Armisen, Will Forte, Bill Hader,...
No more skinny dipping for the LOST crew!read more | digg story
Horatio Sanz has confirmed that, although he initially denied it, he will NOT be returning to Saturday...
Tonight on CBS at 8pm is the premiere of the new series Jericho. The main character in...
Tonight is the night that the new CW Network premieres with America’s Next Top Model as its...
Tom Green has is back. He broadcasts a weekday (Mon-Fri) comedy-talk show. The link indexes about 20...
NBC has a new Carson Daly Viral Video show and they’re looking for your submissions or original...
Full episode of Heroes pilot episode, the new show about average people with incredible powers. The show...
Now that Monday Night Football has left ABC for its cousin cable channel ESPN it seems to...
The likeable Howie Mandel returns tonight as host of the hit gameshow Deal Or No Deal on...
This week is huge for most of the United States television networks as they premiere the largest...
Animal Planet is airing Steve Irwin’s memorial service exclusively in the U.S., commercial-free, on Tuesday, September 19,...
CBS which over the last few years had great success with its Monday night block of comedies...
What do you do if you want to promote a game show season premiere and make it...