Kevin Federline or as his more widely known as Britney Spears husband made his rap debut on...
The future of Stargate is in question today, as SCI FI Channel has cancelled the long-running Stargate...
CBS will begin showing episodes of several new and returning prime-time shows for free on the Internet,...
Starting in September on ABC the name ABC Sports is being replaced by the ESPN brand. Instead...
Mike Douglas of the long running talk show, “The Mike Douglas Show” has died today on his...
9 minutes of various television commercials from 1948. Commercials include: Gillette, Band-Aid, and more | digg...
ABC announced that it has cancelled another summer show, this time its “One Ocean View”. The show...
The HBO hit “The Sopranos” sixth season is going to be first television show to be released...
In Hawaii today, production on the third season of “Lost” has started for the hit show which...
MTV has renewed the “Laguna Beach” spinoff “The Hills” for a second season starting in 2007. The...
The new district attorney on Law & Order Criminal Intent has left the series soon after production...
CBS has ordered a pilot for in my opinion maybe the most annoying show ever. The show...
One of the greatest sci-fi series of all time will return in a series of direct-to-DVD mini...
Warner Brothers has announced that they are now selling some of there television shows on iTunes. The...
An 18 year old from Puerto Rico was crowned Miss Universe on Sunday night. Zueleyka Rivera Mendoza...
Madonna is bringing a two hour concert special to NBC in November. Madonna in the past has...
Tina Fey announced on Jay Leno that she is leaving Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live so...
The new season of Miami Ink starts on TLC on July 18th at 10pm.
In the recent Los Angeles ratings a AM station has topped the ratings for the first time...
The tough british chef on Fox’s Hell’s Kitchen Gordan Ramsey is going to get his own talk...