The second season of the epic show Rome on HBO is to be its last and will...
When ABC’s hit show Housewives returns for its third season on September 24th the network president Stephen...
When the WB ends for good on Sunday September 17th they are rebroadcasting the pilots of some...
Time Warner and Comcast got approval from the FCC on Thursday to complete their take over of...
The first contestant voted out of CBS’s Big Brother All Stars is Alison from season four. Alison...
Three weeks after his bitter departure from CBS News, veteran broadcast journalist Dan Rather has reached a...
The quirky animated show Futurama is to return to television with thirteen new episodes on cables Comedy...
One of my favorite shows Battlestar Galactica on the Sci-Fi channel in my opinion was snubbed by...
Welcome to “The Television Beat” your blog and source for everything thats happening today on television. The...