Last Of Us Coming In January

Last Of Us

December 14th 2022: The long awaited by many television adaptation of the acclaimed PlayStation video game, Last Of Us is finally about to be released. The epic zombie survivor game has been brought to the television by HBO Max who have released their latest trailer shown below.

Courtesy of HBO Max

The trailer looks slick and action packed as you would expect from an HBO Max trailer showing the dark and gloomy post apocalyptic world. The trailer also showcases that its often not just the zombies you have to worry about in this world as human survivors can be just as dangerous. Learning who you can trust or who you must be weary of is part of surviving in this landscape.

The casting of the lead actor with Pedro Pascal of Mandalorian fame in the role has drawn even more attention to this show which many eagerly await. The hiring of Craig Marin of Chernobyl as showrunner has added even more to the anticipation which as you can see in the trailer is perfect to lay out the whole look and, feel of the post apocalyptic landscape.

The story for the television show follows the story of the original 2013 video game in which the two main characters Joel and Ellie travel cross country to hopefully a safe zone. By getting to a safe zone Elle hopes to contribute to a possible cure for the deadly disease that has turned much of the world in to zombies.

The younger female character Elle is played by the strong young female actor Bella Ramsey. Bella Ramsey is best know to many for her performance as Lyanna Mormont in Game of Thrones.

Last Of Us TV Show
Courtesy of HBO Max

The show is also adding in new characters that weren’t in the video game as well as exploring the two main characters pasts. The show premieres next month on January 15th on HBO Max and I will definitely check it out when it premieres.

Premieres January 15th 2023 on HBO and HBO Max

Courtesy of Last

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