Real World Reunion First Episode On YouTube

If aren’t a Paramount Plus subscriber yet the service has smartly put the first episode of the Real World reunion up on its You Tube channel so non subscribers can view it too and, hopefully want to subscribe.

The show officially is called the The Real World Homecoming: New York and, features all seven of the original roommates. Six of them amazingly will be staying in the original loft that the show was filmed in in 1992.

I won’t spoil the show if you haven’t watched it yet but its well worth seeing if you watched the original series which was the show that started the reality television genre. If are younger or haven’t see the show there are plenty of flashbacks in the first episode to 1992.

This is the Real World before it became the drunk fest, hooking up show it became in later years. I presume the show will be on the Paramount Plus Youtube channel for a while as they use it to promote the new service but just in case i would watch it as soon as you can.

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