Westworld Teaser Released

The above teaser trailer is for the new HBO series coming next year based on the 1973 movie penned by Michael Crichton ‘Westworld’ which had Yul Brynner as the lead. In the original movie a character played by actor James Brolin and his friend visit an expensive futuristic theme park where they visit the old west and all the towns residents are robots. The robots go out of control and start attacking the guests with Yul Brynner as the robotic gunslinger who chases James Brolin. Michael Crichton must have something against theme parks as he also wrote Jurrasic Park but in this take the viewpoint is from the robot hosts of the park, can robots have feelings and emotions i guess we will have to wait and find out. The series looks slick like all HBO series but it will be interesting to see if we can get emotionally attached to the robot characters in this promising looking sci fi series coming to HBO next year. (Video courtesy of HBO)

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